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Hindi To English Translation Sentences Pdf

Use Hindi To English Translation Sentences Pdf

  • Hindi Translations for Common English Sentences and 500 English Phrases in PDF Format.
  • Sentences from Hindi to English for practice.
  • Sentences in English with PDF translations into Hindi and Urdu.
  • Conversational sentences from English to Hindi translate Eng to Hindi.
  • Hindi to English sentence translator. online translation from Hindi to English.

Hindi To English Translation Sentences Pdf


Hindi To English Translation Sentences Pdf – Past works on machine translation for hindi languages had mostly focused on translating English sentences to hindi languages. Not much work is found in the reverse direction i.e. from hindi languages to English. The primary reason for this may be attributed to the lack of resources for processing hindi languages. The situation becomes even more difficult because of the lack of existing parallel corpus essential for different translation paradigms, such as, example based machine translation (EBMT), statistical machine translation (SMT), among others.

Hindi To English Translation Sentences Pdf


Furthermore, only a handful of parallel corpora are available for Hindi to English, as one may find in the OPUS1 corpus. Consequently, the quality of translation. As obtained from various translators available online is not quite up to an acceptable level even for rather simple sentences. Table 1 shows some examples of translation results using Google translator.

Hindi To English Translation Sentences Pdf

Which is one of the most popular online translator available. The table contains the translation of the Hindi sentence to English and the BLEU score representing the quality of the translation. The BLEU metric scores a translation on a scale of 0 to 1. But is frequently displayed as a percentage value. The closer the BLEU score is to 100%. The means the translation is more correlated to a human translation. Technically, the BLEU metric measures how many words overlap in a given translation when compared to a reference translation, giving higher scores to sequential words. It can be seen in Table 1 that the BLEU score obtained for Hindi to English Translator of Google translation is quite low. Which can be interpreted also by the quality of translated