Beauty Tips

Crazy Hair Day Ideas For Girls

Crazy hair day ideas for Girls – Today was crazy hair day at school! It’s one of our favorite days of the year. My little has some pretty long and thick hair, so we have more options than some parents. (I’m sorry, boy moms! I feel like you’re getting ripped off!) Anyway, here are some of our favorite crazy hair day ideas for girls.

Crazy Hair Day Cupcake Hair

  1. Make a high ponytail. (I gelled C’s hair but in the end, I realized it would have been fine without the gel.)
  2. Cut a hole/square in the middle of a paper plate.
  3. Slip the ponytail through the hole in the plate, and then cut another hole in the middle of a cupcake liner.
  4. Slip the ponytail through the hole in the cupcake liner, twist the ponytail into a bun, and wrap it with an elastic.
  5. Decorate your cupcake with sparkly clips or stick a candle in the middle to make it a birthday cupcake.

It’s almost like a little fascinator! We saw a couple of other girls with this hairstyle — some with just the liners and not the plate.

Crazy Hair Day Lego Hair

  1. Round up some plain barrettes or clips (I bought a bunch of these double-prong alligator clips years ago for making clips for C) and some pieces of brightly-coloured Lego.
  2. Don’t worry, it won’t be harmed.
  3. Hot-glue the Lego to the clips and stick them haphazardly all over your kid’s hair. I gelled D’s first to make it look like a Lego tornado.

Crazy Hair Day Pop Bottle Hair

  1. Take an empty pop bottle that’s sized appropriately for the amount of hair you have.
  2. Put your hair in a really high ponytail.
  3. Cut a hole between the middle and the bottom of the bottle. It should be approximately the diameter of your ponytail so that it stays nicely in place.
  4. Twirl your ponytail into a long swirl (just to make it more compact) and cram it into the hole you cut in the bottle.

Shake the bottle slightly to get your hair to fall down to the neck of the bottle, and grab the strands to pull them through (I could only get some of mine through) so it looks like your hair is pop pouring out of the bottle.

Why do we do crazy hair day?

Crazy Hair Day is an annual fundraising event held in schools across Australia for the Cystic Fibrosis Federation. Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the most common inherited, life threatening condition affecting young Australians. For a child to be born with CF both parents must be genetic carriers for CF.

There are a million other ideas too, depending on the amount of time and patience you have.

How to Have a Good Hair Day Every Single Day, According to a Celeb Stylist

  • Consistently Condition Your Hair. …
  • Get Haircuts at Consistent Intervals. …
  • Familiarize Yourself with Hair Product Nomenclature. …
  • Never Sleep on Wet Hair. …
  • Only Shampoo When Your Hair is Dirty. …
  • Let Your Hair Texture Dictate Your Conditioner Needs.